Is Hard Water Harmful?

If you've noticed a weird film on your skin after washing or mineral deposits around your faucets, you likely have hard water. This can be highly inconvenient for your daily home activities, and it can even negatively impact your body. Here are a few reasons you should invest in a water softener.


When you step out of the shower, you want to be nice and clean. The same can be said when you wash your hands to remove germs and bacteria. The problem with hard water is that it makes it difficult to get a good lather. When you can't lather the soap well, it can make your bathing experience more difficult, and you may walk away not feeling as clean as you should.


Your skin is the biggest organ in your body, and one of the best ways to take care of it is with daily cleansing. Plus, you don't want to walk around with dry, itchy skin on your scalp or body. Unfortunately, when you have hard water, it can alter your skin and hair's pH balance. As a result, both your hair and skin may lose their natural luster. You may even develop dandruff because of the build-up on your scalp skin.


Hard water results from a build-up of mineral deposits in your plumbing system. As a result, without a water softener, your fixtures can suffer damage. Over time, you may notice your water pressure becoming reduced because mineral deposits can block your water flow. This reduced water flow could make regular cleansing tasks like washing dishes or your body take much longer.


It's vital to get several glasses of water in your system daily. According to Healthline, people should drink at least eight glasses for proper hydration. However, when you have hard water, drinking your tap water may not be efficient, as you may notice a weird taste or smell from the mineral buildup. According to the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), over 40% of Americans don't take steps to filter or treat their residential drinking water. However, a water softening system is an effective way to treat your water so you can drink and wash with it properly.

While hard water doesn't cause life-threatening health issues, it can make life a lot more difficult. After all, it greatly reduces your water drinkability and cleansing ability. Thankfully, you don't have to live with such inconvenience. Contact Mitten Water Solutions for a water softener to improve your home today.


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How Water Softeners and Filters Work