3 Signs Your Home Has Hard Water

Hard water refers to water that contains excessive amounts of minerals that affect water quality in many ways. Hard water also affects the vast majority of the nation's homes. According to Forbes, 85% of U.S. homes have hard water. A soft water treatment system can remove the minerals and make your home's water supply softer to make it easier to use. If you are unsure of the kind of water in your home, here are three signs that you have hard water.

1. Faucets Have Mineral Deposits

The faucets in your home might have a constant buildup of a mineral-like substance that is white and powdery. You don't need to call for a hazmat service if you see it coming from your faucets. That whitish substance is a collection of mineral deposits left by hard water in your home that leaves a whitish or maybe a reddish stain on the basin or in your bathtub. You might notice a similar whitish substance sticking to the shower head due to hard water.

2. Cloudy Film or Spots on Glassware

More rinse aid (like Jet Dry) may not be the answer for cloudy residue and water spots

After you wash your dishes and other glassware and let them drip dry, you might see cloudy spots or streaks on the glass. Those are telltale signs that your home has hard water and it's leaving mineral deposits behind. It's possible for soap residue to leave similar-looking deposits on glassware, but soap residue cleans off more easily than mineral deposits that adhere to glassware. A soft water treatment system can prevent mineral deposits so your glassware looks as clean as the day you bought it.

3. Clothing Is Dingy Coming Out of the Washer

Hard water makes it hard for your washer to properly do its job and make your clothes clean and vibrant again. If you pull out whites that look dingy and dirty despite running them through the washer at the correct temperature and using the best available laundry soap, the problem could be hard water. The mineral deposits in the hard water make it almost impossible for whites and colors to come out looking bright and new again. Hard water can also affect other appliances, too, including your dishwasher and the water heater. Getting a water softener from Mitten Water Solutions can save you money in energy and detergent usage.

A soft water treatment system can help to transform your hard water into usable, effective water again. You can feel confident knowing your washing machine, sinks, dishwasher, and water heater can each do their job more effectively. If think you may have hard water, contact Mitten Water Solutions today. We can do a basic water evaluation a no charge.


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