Little Known Facts About Hard Water

Many people in rural areas have hard water and can benefit from installing an in home water softener. However, there are quite a few things you probably don’t know about hard water. We’ll dive into the little-known facts about this type of water.

Calcium Carbonate

Most hard water has more calcium and magnesium than soft water.  A soft water services exchanges the calcium and magnesium into softened water and rinses the hardness out. How much calcium carbonate your water has determines whether it’s classified as hard water. According to Forbes, 61 to 120 mg/L of calcium carbonate will classify your water as moderately hard.

Location Matters

Calcium and magnesium are usually the main minerals found in hard water. The high levels of minerals may vary due to your location. People living in areas with large rock formations are more likely to have hard water because rainwater picks up these minerals as it travels along the rocks. Houses located near limestone and  rock quarry typically have hard water as well.

High Iron Content

While calcium and magnesium are the main minerals responsible for hard water, high iron content can also lead to hard water. You can tell if your water has a high iron content based on color. Yellow or orange-tinted water means there is a lot of iron. This water can also stain your bathtub a light orange color. Soft water service can help address this issue. It only takes .3 ppm (parts per million) of iron to cause visible signs of staining.

Hard Water Impact

Hard water can have a drastic impact on several things. The high mineral content can make your skin and hair dry. It can leave a residue on dishes and laundry. You may have to use extra detergent to clean your clothing correctly. Hard water can also damage your appliances because the mineral deposits clog small pipes. Soft water service will mitigate the impact hard water has on your life. Life is hard enough your water doesn’t need to be!

Environmental Effect

Water with a high mineral content can devastate the environment if you don’t own a water softener. Many households use additional water to remove the residue on dishes and clothing. You’ll use more harsh chemicals and cleaning products to remove stains on your bathtub, and they may not be environmentally friendly. Washing chemicals down your drains to remove mineral deposits isn’t suitable for the overall water supply, which is why soft water services are so critical.

Most people don’t realize the drastic impact hard water can have on their daily lives and the planet. Our water treatment  systems and softener services can help you enjoy water without a high mineral content. Contact Mitten Water Solutions when you’re ready to learn more about the water that goes in you and the water that goes on you!


How Water Softeners and Filters Work


3 Signs Your Home Has Hard Water